What we offer
At Llamitas Daycare we provide a whole-child development experience for your infants. While the everyday communication is carried out in Spanish, fun daily classes with structured and planned content are taught in English.
Here is to our profound believe that early exposition to print and storytelling is key to the development of listening and reading, concept-building skills, memory, vocabulary and much more!
Interactive Play Time
This period is designed around the idea of allowing kids to socialize and experience everyday interactions with peers and adults. We want our little llamitas to be able to communicate while playing, to negotiate meaning, to listen for understanding, to develop good manners, to keep eye-contact, to accept differences, to share and participate and to learn to be patient.
And all of the above is to happen during play time!
Number Sense
Jennifer is in charge of the afternoon toddlers math time. During this period our llamitas are exposed to daily number sense routines that will help them develop the basis of mathematics. Number counting, number naming and tracing, sense of quantity, etc.
For this period we count with the knowledge and support of experienced early elementary math teacher Abel Guzman, who voluntarily helps us design the curriculum!
Self-directed play time
In this space children play using their imagination and creativity with a broad sort of games and structures. Here they get to MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES. It is a hands-on activity time that each child controls, under the direct supervision of our staff. Adults step in to help develop rules or games that make sense to each child, so every kid has a clear aunderstanding of what the group rules are.
Gardening & Nature discovery
During gardening time, we promote an understanding of how all living things are connected and valuable for the Earth and us. We water plants, explore in the yard, collect leaves, rocks
and pine cones, harvest tomatoes, lemons, pears, apples and much more!
Arts and self-expression
In this daily block, we engage in a diversity of art-based experiences, where all infants and toddlers can express themselves through painting, building, creating and discovering ways to communicate themselves with their own hands. Check out some of our latest projects!